24 hour locksmith

24 hour locksmith 2014-09-09T16:24:33+00:00

Emergency locksmith service. Opening lock of cars, flats and safes.

Opening lock of cars, flats and safes. Repariring and instalation all of types lock. Security of flats, houses, recreational objects and business buildings.

 Welcome to the website Zámečníci Praha.

Do you need a help of a locksmith? You are here on the right place!

We provide locksmith services 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

We provide emergency opening locks, security houses, flats and business facilities since 1991. We provide full service from conception to installation and subsequent service. We can improve installation of security doors safety of your home. We satisfy your requirements for the safety wide choice of advanced security systems. We repair all types of locks for apartments, cars and safes.

We provide the following services:

Opening of all types of locks

– opening of all types of slammed doors – opening of all types of slammed doors, keys left in the lock – opening of all types of locked locks – opening of all types of damaged locks – removing of breaked keys

Repairing of door and locks, Repair of doors after housebreaking

– locksmith and joiner repairs of doors and doorframes – replacement, repair and installation of all types of locks – replacing of cylinder locks – replacing and instaliton of security fittings

Security of flats, houses and business facilities

– instation of security fittings – instalation of additional locks – instalation of espagnolette locks – instalation of rim locks – instalation of self-locking lock – instalation of panic locks anf panic fittings – instalation of security doors – instalation of door closers – instalation of other security accessories

Opening of all types of vehicles

– slammed car – removing of breaked keys – repair and reconstruction of car locks – make a new key by locks

Opening of safes

Facility Management

Emergency Locksmith operates in the following areas:

Prague town areas

Praha 1, Praha 2, Praha 3, Praha 4, Praha 5, Praha 6, Praha 7, Praha 8, Praha 9, Praha 10. Běchovice, Benice, Březiněves, Čakovice, Ďáblice, Dolní Chabry, Dolní Měcholupy, Dolní Počernice, Dubeč, Klánovice, Koloděje, Kolovraty, Královice, Křeslice, Kunratice, Libuš, Lipence, Lochkov, Lysolaje, Nebušice, Nedvězí, Petrovice, Přední Kopanina, Řeporyje, Satalice, Slivenec, Suchdol, Šeberov, Štěrboholy, Troja, Újezd, Velká Chuchle, Vinoř, Zbraslav, Zličín.

Prague west areas

Horoměřice, Roztoky, Velké Přílepy, Tursko, Holubice, Kozinec, Libčice nad Vltavou, Hostivice, Jeneč, Knězeves, Chýně, Rudná, Černošice, Dobřichovice, Řevnice, Mníšek pod Brdy, Davle, Štechovice, Slapy, Řitka, Jílové u Prahy, Kamenice, Jesenice, Dolní Břežany, Zvole, Průhonice.

Prague east areas

Říčany, Čestlice, Nupaky, Mukařov, Mnichovice, Velké Popovice, Kostelec nad Černými Lesy, Brandýs nad Labem-Stará Boleslav, Čelákovice, Odolena Voda, Hovorčovice, Líbeznice, Lázně Toušeň, Úvaly.

Central Bohemia areas

Kladno, Lány, Nové Strašecí, Stochov, Kamenné Žehrovice, Doksy, Velké Přítočno, Unhošť, Velká Dobrá, Libušín, Smečno, Buštěhrad, Brandýsek, Slaný, Louny, Rakovník, Křivoklát, Krušovice, Řevničov, Lužná, Beroun, Loděnice, Králův Dvůr, Zbiroh, Žebrák, Hořovice, Dobříš, Příbram, Kralupy nad Vltavou, Veltrusy, Velvary, Nelahozeves, Mělník, Roudnice nad Labem, Kostelec nad Labem, Neratovice, Český Brod, Lysá nad Labem, Benátky nad Jizerou, Milovice, Mladá Boleslav, Sadská, Nymburk, Poděbrady, Kolín, Benešov, Sázava, Týnec nad Sázavou, Vlašim and other.

We want to be more than just your 24 hour emergency in need. Therefore, we providereliable, professional and mobile locksmith services to compared to with all of the security challenges of the 21st century.

Call locksmithery now, tel: 602 370 688